Fam-Fit Devils's Diamond or Satan's Square or The Four Corners of Hell
-4 exercises in a IWT format (30 sec sprint/30 sec rest for 3 rounds each station).
1. Stationary Bike Sprint
2. Towel Shakes
3. Weight Swings
4. Air Squats
Fam-Fit A Little Jumpy
@Huntress Park Basketball Court
10 yd. One Legged Hops; Right
10 yd. One Legged Hops; Left
Squat Hops up stair steps
25 Rope Jumps
Squat Hops down stair steps -4 Rounds
Fam-Fit Turtle Walk
@ CCCHS Parking Lot -Place heavy weight in backpack and put on. -Walk hills back and forth (~200 yards) 4X. -Do 10 Squats in the middle of each pass.
Fam-Fit Push Up Ladder
One rep first minute, two reps second minute, three reps third minute...until you fail to complete the number of reps for a particular minute.