Rest Day Rant (SR-48)
Football is NOT Life a Coach Hays rant
I know this may sound highly irrational and maybe even a bit hypocritical coming from me, but contrary to what the t-shirts say, FOOTBALL IS NOT LIFE!.
Football is the greatest damn game ever invented, but it is not life. Football is intensity, competitiveness, sportsmanship and violence, but it is not life. Football requires immense strategy and teamwork, but it is not life. Football provides education, drama, entertainment, and a solidarity which binds communities, campuses and fan bases throughout the nation, but it is not life. Football is universal, it is played by presidents and paupers, genius and idiot, big and small, aggressive and passive, rich and poor, but it is not life. Football should not be all consuming. Football should not be the top priority. I know this for a fact, I have tripped and fallen down that hole before (see my story).
Football can be like a package of Oreos, with a need to be consumed in moderation. You've been there, you open the package of Oreos and leave it out on the counter. Sooner rather than later, the whole package is gone and you don't feel so good. But, if you open that package and only take a couple of Oreos and place the package in the cupboard for a later date, they not only taste spectacular, but last and satisfy for days upon days. Football is not life. It should be taken in moderation and/or with a tall glass of milk, (1% or skim preferably).
Football has it's proper place, it has it's proper perspective. Football is not the primary reason for the existence of high schools, colleges and universities.
Yes, football is important. It is important to compete. It is important to work hard to be the best coach or player you can be. It is important to compete with purpose, pride and passion. But, I think Coach Paul Lane said it best with his prioritization of the sport, "Faith, Family, Football, in that order".
Football is important to me. But, football is not life. Let's work to keep football in it's proper perspective and place. I would hate for you to get a football belly-ache.
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