Mobility stretches with hurdles or sawhorses
Over: Front, Back, Side
Under: Front, Back, Side
Jumping Jehosaphat
A. Agility Ladder- Single Step
- Double Step
- Bunny Hop
- Slalom Hop
- Waltz Step
- Lateral Step
- Scissor Step
B. Cone Hops (5 Cones ~3 ft. apart)
- Linear (Down and Back) - Forward, Side
- Stationary (10 back and forth side hops)
C. 10x Weighted Step-Ups-Weight above head, step up to parallel thigh and drive up.
D. 10x Box Jump --> Depth Jump -->Horizontal Broad Jump-Jump up to box, depth jump then broad jump as far out as you can.
E. 10x Squat Jumps-Full squat then explode as high as you can go and clap hand above head.